Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Under the knife

Well this is my last day. Tomorrow morning at 0830 I will be going under the knife for surgery. I has been nice knowing everybody. Ok, Ok.... its not that serious. I will be having my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow and will be out for four days. I foresee a lot of sleep, movies and Madden in my near future. I will still try and make it up to check emails and blogs and I should have email at the house in about a week. Hope everyone is doing well. Tschüs


At 4:45 AM, Blogger The Oldies said...

Good luck with the teeth, I am glad that you are doing it there with a lot of medical training around you, I will be thinking about you love gramps

At 8:15 AM, Blogger Angie said...

Good luck. Both Jim and I faired pretty well with ours. We were back to normal by the next day. Just had to change our diet for a few days.

Thanks for the advice with Nat. EVERY bit is can get is helpful! After reading what you said it did show how much you and her are/were alike at that age in school. Thanks!

Love ya

At 6:48 PM, Blogger Jim said...

Tschus? God bless you!!
Good luck with the teeth, Angie is sugarcoating mine a bit, I don't even remember the first day after they came out.



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