Friday, December 30, 2005

little snow

Been back now for about three weeks and everything is about back to normal. Got a good bit of snow this past week so work has been kinda weird. Late reporting and going home early. They were rotating who had to stay and who went so I never knew what hours I would be working.
Tess is leaving to go back to San Antonio for two weeks so for the second year in a row we won't be together for New Year's. She had a death in the family so its nothing that could be helped. We found out this morning. Its the third year in a row that her family has lost someone within a week of Christmas. I'm hoping that this will be the last time.
I am glad to hear that everyone had a good Christmas. Ours was great as well. We spent some time with some friends. One group on Christmas day and another set on Monday. We were up playing Trivial Pursuit till three in the morning and then had to drive 45 minutes to get home. I got up at 530 the next morning for work and had a very tired day. It was fun though. Anyway, I'm gonna quit since I'm just rambling anyway. Everyone take care and have a great and safe New Year.


At 12:51 PM, Blogger Angie said...

So sorry to hear about Tess's loss. And sorry that you had to send New Year's alone again. Hope she gets home quickly and safely.

Hope the New Year gets better for you both. We love you - Angie


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