Sunday, December 18, 2005

back to Germany

Well, I'm back across the ocean. Really enjoyed seeing everyone but had to come back sometime. I was very surprised to see how my sisters and all my cousins have grown. To everyone that I didn't get to spend very much time with, I'm sorry and I hope to do better next time.
I got a very nice little surprise when I walked in to the office Monday morning. My loving supervisor and our secretary decided to decorate my desk a little. THe top of my desk was wraped in wrapping paper (complete with bow), as was my phone, computer monitor, keyboard, seat cusion, seat backrest, and storage bin. Then there the streamers that were hung or wrapped around everything. And to top it off, there was tensil EVERYWHERE!!! It took me and Palmer 30 minutes just to clean it up enough for me to be able to do any work.
Then I was told on Friday that someone up the chain decided to trade my to a different section in the squadron. Some believe that it would be bad to lose me but others think I need to go so that I can get trained in another aspect of our job. They are still debating it but it looks like I may be headed back to a life of shift-work at the CASAF. There I'll be unloading and loading the casuaties that come from down-range. I'm not upset though. I'm here to do watever they need me to do to get the job done. Could be interesting. More to follow.
Might be going back to Garmish this weekend. I'll be sure to send more pics if we do. Should be pretty snowy there this time. Snowier than here at least.
Anyway, that's all I got for this time. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone.


At 9:32 AM, Blogger Angie said...

We sure loved seeing you and Tess. And I'm very glad to hear you're back safe.

That's pretty funny them decorating your desk!! I hope the change is good and that you enjoy it.

As great to hear from you. We always look forward to the pictures!!

Love ya - Angie


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