Saturday, January 21, 2006

wes's page

Hello everybody.
Haven't got much to report this time. Just thought I'd throw something up there since its been a while. Good job to everyone in the biggest loser compitition. Looks like your doing great so far. Not a whole lot hapening here. Got my wife back and I should start at my new section on the 30th. I'm still not happy with it but part of my job is to go where they need me. So here I go. Just finished my PA package and sent it off. THe board meets in March and I should find out if I'm accepted by April or May. More to follow on that. Anyway, I will have a new blog for you within the next few days. With pics!. I know I suck with getting them on here but I'll give it a shot. Anyway, take care and talk to you later. Oh and for those of you that know my dad, he got a blog set up. Not much there yet but hopefully it will be soon. The page is . Later


At 6:33 PM, Blogger Angie said...

Great to hear from you! Look forward to seeing the pics. Thanks for sharing you Dad's blog address. Maybe one day we can get your Mom to blog....yeah :)

At 2:02 PM, Blogger The Oldies said...

After the lost car episode I wondered how long it would take to get you to blog. Good to hear that Tess is back. The new job is for how long? Great to hear from you.
Love Gram


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