Thursday, February 23, 2006

My turn

I figured I'd better throw a new blog out there as well. Sorry its been so long. I was waiting for more pics to put on here. I really need to get internet at the house so this will be easier. Not a whole lot new here in Germany. Just trying to get by in the new job section. Its not as bad as I thought it would be so I guess I'll be able to handle it for a while. Anyway, as you can tell, I don't have much to say. Hope everyone is doing well. Good job with the "Biggest Loser" game.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

This is me and my former Flight commander at my make-up promotion ceromony. I put on Senior Airman on the 23 of JAN.I will post more later. I ran out of time tonight.

War's not over

I know its a bit of a serious topic but its very very true. The war is still happening. I know that everyone knows this but sometimes its a little "outta site outta mind" It kinda was for me too and I'm in the military. THat was until I started my new job on Monday. I now have the opertunity to transport casualties everytime I'm on shift. We are truely the busiest and best CASF in the world. Every casualty that comes from down range comes through us and more. I have worked two shifts so far and have already seen a lot. Thankfully all of them have been stable and will live but it still makes you think a little. Sometimes I feel that these men and women don't get all the credit they deserve and that it disappointing. It could always be worse though. At least this time isn't like Vietnam. Anyway, I've spoke my mind for now. View above if you haven't already for something a little lighter. Take care.