Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Hello everyone. I know its been a while. I finally got the blogger to come up in english again. Don't know what I did but its working. Tess and I went to London for New Year's. We had a good time but the exchange rate is outrageous. Anyway, here's a few pics. Maybe more later.
London bridge shot from the London towers.
Stare-down with one of the Tower's birds. He started to sharpen his beak so I got outta there. These birds are actually the pets of the towers. Their wings are clipped so the won't leave. This tradition comes from back in the day when the occupants watched the birds because they believed that if the birds could be killed, the castle could be over-run.
Tower courtyard
Tess with "Fez" from "The Seventies Show" and MTV's "Yo Mamma" at the enlisted club here on Ramstein. He came to do a show for the troops and visit some soilders. I met him as well but no pics since I was at work. He was a real good guy and seemed to enjoy visiting with our patients at the CASF.


At 4:26 PM, Blogger Angie said...

GREAT pics! Thanks for sharing!! Finally I can say "I've been there" :) And that's cool that you met Fez!! That had to be fun.

Great to hear from you and so glad that you guys are getting to do such fun stuff over there!

Love ya - Angie


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