Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Well, the results came in today and I found out that I made Staff Sergeant. I haven't sewn on yet so I'm still a Senior Airman but I got enough points to be promoted. My line number is 13200 which means I'll be the 13200th person to get promoted to Staff this year starting today. I'm not sure how many people are being promoted all together but my number probably won't come up till after I'm in school though so its kinda a mute point. Other than that nothing new is going on. Works the same and we haven't done anything too exciting lately. Mostly still playing pool. I did try my hand at a little Texas Hold'em last night at the pool hall down town though. Let's just say that I should have stuck to the pool table. I have high hopes of getting better though and redeeming myself on the poker table next time. Hope everyone is doing good and I look forward to seeing everyone in about seven months. Take care


At 6:59 AM, Blogger Angie said...

Way to freakin go Wes! That is AWESOME! AWESOME! Sorry you don't have anything to show off just yet. But you know you're THE MAN :) Very proud of you. Tell Tess to give you a great big hug for us :)

(Grandma and Grandpa are camping, but should be back today. You KNOW they'll post something just the second they read this :)

At 11:06 AM, Blogger The Oldies said...

Wow my grandson the Sarge! Way to go I am so pround of you. Wes thank you for the elephant from Paris, this one will have special meaning. thank you for keeping in touch with all of us.
love you grandpa


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