Saturday, January 21, 2006

wes's page

Hello everybody.
Haven't got much to report this time. Just thought I'd throw something up there since its been a while. Good job to everyone in the biggest loser compitition. Looks like your doing great so far. Not a whole lot hapening here. Got my wife back and I should start at my new section on the 30th. I'm still not happy with it but part of my job is to go where they need me. So here I go. Just finished my PA package and sent it off. THe board meets in March and I should find out if I'm accepted by April or May. More to follow on that. Anyway, I will have a new blog for you within the next few days. With pics!. I know I suck with getting them on here but I'll give it a shot. Anyway, take care and talk to you later. Oh and for those of you that know my dad, he got a blog set up. Not much there yet but hopefully it will be soon. The page is . Later

Sunday, January 08, 2006

lost car

Have you ever lost a car? I'm not talking about not remembering what side of the shopping mall you parked on kinda lost. I'm talking about, " I have no idea where in this entire city I parked my car." kinda lost. We'll I have. I took one of our new guys downtown in Tess's car so he could get the feel of it. BAD IDEA!! Downtown was a little packed so we moved away from the immediate area to find a spot. We walked toward downtown, looked around a little and decided to head back since it was a little cold and we wanted to make it back to base before everything closed. We ended up searching for the car for four hours before we gave up and I paid for a taxi to take us back to my house and get my car so we could warm up a little in the taxi and I could take him back to base. After I dropped him off I went back downtown to drive around and find the car. No luck. So I woke up this morning, drove downtown, parked and walked around another two and a half hours before finnally finding her car. I was about to head to the Polizei station to ask if the car had been towed. Now I have to get my car and get home as well. At least I know exactly where it is at. I felt like such an idiot for losing the car. Especially since I had a witness. I can just hear my co-workers now.