Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I finally got internet at the house so I can do more with the blog. However, now everything shows up in German. I guess I need to learn German real quick or find out how to change this. There should be pics here but like I said, I can't read anything so I'm not sure if I did it right. If not, I'll post them in a minute.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Borrowed time

Well, I dodged the knife today so I have two weeks to live it up. The doc had to make a trip to the OR to fix a soldier's face who came from down range. I was actually wanting to get it done today but oh well. The other guy was more important this time.
"Tschus" is German for bye (informal)

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Under the knife

Well this is my last day. Tomorrow morning at 0830 I will be going under the knife for surgery. I has been nice knowing everybody. Ok, Ok.... its not that serious. I will be having my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow and will be out for four days. I foresee a lot of sleep, movies and Madden in my near future. I will still try and make it up to check emails and blogs and I should have email at the house in about a week. Hope everyone is doing well. Tschüs