Saturday, September 24, 2005

Eiffel tower at night. We're actually on a boat going down the river in Paris when we took this. A lot of the buildings on the river get lit up at night. Notre Dame is cool looking also. I have a pic of it as well. Just not with me today.

Neushwienstein castel in Bavaria. Its the "Fairy tale castle."
We wanted to take a tour of it but we didn't have time on this day since I had medications in the car that I had to get back and refridgerate.

giving me problems.......
Im having to upload one at a time. Anyway, this is the view from our balcony when I was TDY in Garmish.


Above: Tess in front of the Louvre
Below:Replicas of actual armour. The one on the left is the average size of men back then. The one behind me was from a knight who ame up from Austria. Cn you imagine the looks on the faces of the other nights when they saw this guy?
Cochem castle in Cochem. This one is about two hours from us. Its the one that we had to hike up to. This is also the one with the above armour.
Pic of us in our hotel room in Garmish. I'll make another entry with a pic of our veiw from the balcony here.
Fountain in Paris. Just thought it was cool.

wes's page

Alright folks. I'm gonna try and do some pics here. Bear with me if I have a hard time.

Friday, September 02, 2005

weekend trips

Well, Tess went down to Paris last weekend and didn't get to see everyhting see wanted so, guess what, I get to go now. We'll be leaving late tonight on a bus to go down there. I wouldn't usually spend the money to pay for a tour just to go down the road to Paris but we had some travel vouchers that were going to expire anyway. We will return Sun afternoon and will have to turn around and go down to Garmish on Mon morning. I outta get a few good pics out of all of this so I'll try and get some out to everyone. I know I keep saying this but I'll really try this time......honest. Everyone take care and keep those on the gulf coast in your thoughts.