Friday, September 02, 2005

weekend trips

Well, Tess went down to Paris last weekend and didn't get to see everyhting see wanted so, guess what, I get to go now. We'll be leaving late tonight on a bus to go down there. I wouldn't usually spend the money to pay for a tour just to go down the road to Paris but we had some travel vouchers that were going to expire anyway. We will return Sun afternoon and will have to turn around and go down to Garmish on Mon morning. I outta get a few good pics out of all of this so I'll try and get some out to everyone. I know I keep saying this but I'll really try this time......honest. Everyone take care and keep those on the gulf coast in your thoughts.


At 6:20 AM, Blogger Angie said...

Have a great time We. so happy that you are getting to go. Can't wait to see the pics!!

Love ya - Angie

At 11:07 PM, Blogger Jim said...

You know, you can post pics on you blog pretty easy. Love to see them.



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