Monday, June 04, 2007

Weather Channel

What is so appealing about The Weather Channel? I can remember thinking it was a little odd that some of my family memebers would actually call each other just to gossip about the meterologist that was giving the weekend forcast. However, now that I'm a little older, I find myself attracted to The Weather Channel as well. In fact, its the only cable channel that I have memorized; channel 36 on Time Warner cable in the SA area. Granted, I don't follow near as closley as the fore-mentioned people did but I think thats more because I no longer have time to watch much TV rather than lack of interest. 100 accessible channels and what's the best thing on? Weather!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Coming home

I have recently been getting ready to head back to the states. Only got two weeks to go. I have four days of work left and I fly out on the 11th. Very happy about that. What I'm not happy about though is having to do all this crap before I leave. Outprocessing sucks, dealing with German utility people sucks (mostly my fault, not there problem that I can't speak German. This is there country and all.) and moving always sucks but moving across the ocean seems to suck even more. All in all though its doable since there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Look forward to seeing everyone even though I'll be all kinds of friggin busy once I arrive. Take care, see ya soon.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

New Year's London

Here's some pics from New Year's
We had a hard time getting the both of us and the fireworks to show up. This was the best we got. Yes, I'm wearing glowing bunny ears and Tess has on a pink blinking cowboy hat.
This is a little better for the fireworks. Still not great though. You can kinda make ou the "Eye of London" So much better in person but isn't that always the case?

This is just another pic of us together. Its at Windsor castle again.
Wes on ice. I'm in a giant ice cube at the Ice Bar.
The New Year's crew at the Ice Bar. The entire bar is made of ice. The bar itself, the walls, the seats, even the glasses they serve your drinks in are blocks of ice.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

More London

It worked last time so I figured I had better get some more pics on here before it screws up.
Big Ben. Not the best pic but it was the best we could do from the bus.
We got to see the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace. htey aren't as colorful in the winter dress but it was still cool to see.
Just thought this looked funny. Thats both a really large set of armor and a really little set.
Front enterance of Windsor Castle. This is where the queen spends her downtime.
Tess with the "Beef-eaters" at the towers.


Hello everyone. I know its been a while. I finally got the blogger to come up in english again. Don't know what I did but its working. Tess and I went to London for New Year's. We had a good time but the exchange rate is outrageous. Anyway, here's a few pics. Maybe more later.
London bridge shot from the London towers.
Stare-down with one of the Tower's birds. He started to sharpen his beak so I got outta there. These birds are actually the pets of the towers. Their wings are clipped so the won't leave. This tradition comes from back in the day when the occupants watched the birds because they believed that if the birds could be killed, the castle could be over-run.
Tower courtyard
Tess with "Fez" from "The Seventies Show" and MTV's "Yo Mamma" at the enlisted club here on Ramstein. He came to do a show for the troops and visit some soilders. I met him as well but no pics since I was at work. He was a real good guy and seemed to enjoy visiting with our patients at the CASF.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

arrival update

I did a little more of my paperwork today and just like I had feared, plans have changed. It seems that the way my class is set up, I will not be able to make it home as soon as I had hoped. The earliest that I will make it is going to be the 16th of April and I will probably be very busy right of the bat with inprocessing and house hunting. I will make it around to see everyone as soon as I can though. Probably the weekend after we arrive I'll get around to visiting.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

wes's page

Its been a while since I've blogged so I figured I'd thow something on here. Not much new happening. I'm at the same place and Tess has started baby-sitting for some friends of ours. I did get moved back to day shift so I'm working on a lot more missions. Makes for a busy day but it passes quicker and I get to do more of what I was trained to do. The baby is great. She's about seven weeks now and is pretty well behaved.
I'm starting to get all my paperwork for my move to the states. I'm working on getting there the first week in April so maybe I can get home by Easter. I'm not getting my hopes up though since things can change drastically in the military. I'll keep everyone in the loop as we get closer to the time to leave. Hope everyone is doing well and we look forward to the spring so we can see everyone. Take care.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Well, the results came in today and I found out that I made Staff Sergeant. I haven't sewn on yet so I'm still a Senior Airman but I got enough points to be promoted. My line number is 13200 which means I'll be the 13200th person to get promoted to Staff this year starting today. I'm not sure how many people are being promoted all together but my number probably won't come up till after I'm in school though so its kinda a mute point. Other than that nothing new is going on. Works the same and we haven't done anything too exciting lately. Mostly still playing pool. I did try my hand at a little Texas Hold'em last night at the pool hall down town though. Let's just say that I should have stuck to the pool table. I have high hopes of getting better though and redeeming myself on the poker table next time. Hope everyone is doing good and I look forward to seeing everyone in about seven months. Take care