Wednesday, October 25, 2006

arrival update

I did a little more of my paperwork today and just like I had feared, plans have changed. It seems that the way my class is set up, I will not be able to make it home as soon as I had hoped. The earliest that I will make it is going to be the 16th of April and I will probably be very busy right of the bat with inprocessing and house hunting. I will make it around to see everyone as soon as I can though. Probably the weekend after we arrive I'll get around to visiting.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

wes's page

Its been a while since I've blogged so I figured I'd thow something on here. Not much new happening. I'm at the same place and Tess has started baby-sitting for some friends of ours. I did get moved back to day shift so I'm working on a lot more missions. Makes for a busy day but it passes quicker and I get to do more of what I was trained to do. The baby is great. She's about seven weeks now and is pretty well behaved.
I'm starting to get all my paperwork for my move to the states. I'm working on getting there the first week in April so maybe I can get home by Easter. I'm not getting my hopes up though since things can change drastically in the military. I'll keep everyone in the loop as we get closer to the time to leave. Hope everyone is doing well and we look forward to the spring so we can see everyone. Take care.