Tuesday, May 30, 2006

No real news

In response to billy's request, I decided to write a little. Problem is, there's not much new going on. Still trying to train the new rotation here at work. It's turning out to be more of a chore than I had planned for. Most of them are great but some (two in particular) are really lousy. One of them is a complete idiot and is completely worthless. I'll keep my comments to myself for now though.
Tess, two of my co-workers, and I are going down to Garmish on Friday to hang out and check out Neushwienstein. Neushwienstein is the white castle that I posted pics of a while back. I'll attempt to get some new/better pics up after the trip. Didn't have much luck last time though. Other than that, nothing new.
I would like to ask if anyone else noticed that all three of the four stories in Billy's last blog involved his rear in some form or fashion. What's up with that??