Thursday, August 11, 2005

wes's page

wes's page

I'm back. Nice to read all your blogs. Hope the family thing gets worked out, everyone had a great time in Junction, and, Billy, I don't think I'd add the mortality rate of your truck the next time you look for a driver. I'm about to try and buy tickets for when go on leave. Already looking forward to it. Looks like we'll be flying into Abilene since I can get cheaper tickets to there. I'm not sure why that is but cheaper is cheaper. We'll then probably head down to SA for a week and change and the finish up in the Roby area. At least thats the plan for now. I have to renew my drivers license sometime while I'm there. Not sure if we'll stay a few days in Roby to do it before going to SA or if I'll do it down there. Look forward to seeing everyone.
I was supposed to have a day off tomorrow but we lost our goal day because some guy got a DUI in the squadron. Our squadron had gone over 2 yrs without one and he blew it. Sucks for him because he's a captain and this will end his career. Air Force officers don't get another chance. A lot of people think its stupid to punish a couple hundred people in the squadron for one persons screw-up but that's the way it is now. So I'll be reporting bright and early tommorrow in uniform for another great Air Force day.

On another note, I'm gonna go TDY to Garmish for a week next month. They say its one of the prettiest places on earth so I'll try and load some picks on the blog when I get back. Anyway, I've gotta go and get those tickets before they kick me off the computer. Everyone take care and I'll see yousoon. Later.


At 9:53 PM, Blogger Angie said...

Great to hear from you as always. Look forward to any pics you send!
Sorry that guy ruined for you and everyone. I does sound like one heck of a good run though with no DUIs. Hang it there and we are all SO read to see you!!

Love - Angie


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