Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I give!

Just read a blog that said something that I think had something to do with me so I will throw something out there for everyone to ponder. As I come closer to hopping on the plane that will take me across the big water hazard, I have began to think about some of the things that I'm missing since I've been here. (Not including family and friends and all that) My secretary and I got to talking about it Tuesday and I am missing and looking forward to fried fish and shrimp, Sonic, Wendy's, J in the B, sweet tea, dirt roads, roads that don't have cars parked all along the sides of them that you have to weave through, malls, stores where I can read the labels, traffic lights that are above the road instead of beside, the absence of traffic circles, mesquite trees and cedar, warm weather, and seven digit phone numbers. Now this is just a few and none of these things or absence of these things greatly bothers me but I had put them all on the back burner until we got to talking about them. Then all these ideas just started flowing. Of course, the real reason I'm excited to come home is because I'll get to see everyone, but that's a given. Everything else is just an added bonus. I'm out. See ya all shortly.