Saturday, August 06, 2005

WOW!!! I figured it out. Sorry that a lot of the previous blogs are kinda short and confusing. I was catching hell trying to figure out why none of my stuff would show up on the blog page. I could find it on the dashboard but it wouldn't show on the blog. Unfortunatly I ended up with this back ground and I think its a little busy. I might try and change it in a minute. Hope I don't screw everything up again. Angie and Jim,Sorry to hear that the jerk-off that robbed you got off so easy. I hope the dumbass DA gets what she diserves and never gets elected for anything again.Billy,Haven't read your offering for the past few days but I think its real cool the one you did about my B-day. Thanks. I could put what I remember about all yall while growing up, but we just won't go there. It would ruin the effect anyway.G-pa and G-ma,Haven't heard anything from you in a while blog wise. Hope all is well. I will continue to keep an eye out for what you asked about. I know what to look for now. Till next time, later.


At 7:21 PM, Blogger Angie said...

Great to hear from ya again. Sorry it's been o hard to get your line out, but I'm glad you did. I problems to, but I turned my blog over to my friend Kim & she fixed me up. If you have probs again we can turn yours over to her...if you want. She's a very sweey person & wouldn't do anything "bad" w/ your info.

Love ya - Angie

At 7:22 PM, Blogger Angie said...

sorry for all thr type-os....holding Brayden...

At 10:46 PM, Blogger Jim said...

Good to see you finally figured it out. Here I was thinking you were educated. Roby schools, I guess. But, I do look forward to reading anything you have to say. Foriegn countries fascinate me. Glad you have the chance to visit a few, enjoy the experience.



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